



南’s information technology program prepares students to work in complex network and web environments to meet the needs of today’s organizations. 这涉及到使用 technologies developed by computer engineers, computer 科学家们 and information 科学家们.


  • 信息技术顾问
  • 计算机取证分析员
  • 计算机网络架构师
  • Information technology support specialist
  • Web开发人员


Robotic and Rocketry Team Launches Student on Information Technology Path


Working on her high school robotics and rocketry team in Troy, Alabama, introduced 卡洛琳·比什去编程. 这从一开始就引起了她的兴趣.

“I felt like it was both a different language and almost a puzzle,” she 说. “那 was the part that I fell in love with.”

She knew she would end up in STEM — science, technology, engineering or mathematics. “I have always been a science nerd.”

但是哪个领域? “Originally, I wanted to do computer science,” she 说. “但后来 at USA’s orientation, I learned that there was a lot more math in computer science. And math isn’t really my favorite thing to do. I found out that information technology 是我想去的地方吗.”

Computer 科学家们 develop computer systems. Information technologists master the 这些系统的使用. The latter involves getting new software and hardware to work seamlessly with what’s already in place — a continual series of puzzles to solve.


“我爱我的老师 that I’ve met in my computer classes.”


Bish came to 南 partly because of the campus. “I like that it’s newer, more modern.”

Her experience as a student confirmed that positive first impression. “我爱我的老师 that I’ve met in my computer classes, and I love my teachers that I’ve met through 我的通识教育课程.”

In fact, “a couple of my favorite classes have been in the gen eds.物理地质学 intrigued her so much that she considered double majoring in IT and geology.

For her career, Bish explored data management and digital forensics (security). 大多数情况下, she kept her options open and looked forward to the upcoming challenges.

“One of my teachers says that the best thing about technology is that it’s always changing, but then the bad thing about technology is that it’s always changing,” she 说. “So you have to constantly grow and adapt. 这永远不会是一份枯燥的工作.”


  • Information technology majors focus on one of three tracks: networking, web publishing 或者数字取证.
  • 美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that employment in computer and information technology occupations will grow 13% from 2020 to 2030, adding 667,600 new jobs.
  • The median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations as of May 2020年为91250美元.



Department of Information Systems and Technology
(251) 460-7539

Curriculum and Degree Requirements

