Hospitality and Tourism 管理 Major




Classroom learning, practical experience and an interdisciplinary perspective prepare hospitality and tourism management students for immediate employment and eventual leadership in the world’s fastest-growing industry. 这个领域涉及范围很广 of service-oriented global business sectors.

Jobs in Hospitality and Tourism 管理

  • Airline, cruise ship and other transportation positions
  • Lodging-oriented careers (hotels, resorts, casinos)
  • 医疗保健设施经理
  • 会议/活动策划人
  • Restaurant, club and beverage service manager
  • Manager at destinations and attractions, including entertainment complexes and theme 公园



Thanh "Moon" Haas

Hospitality and Tourism 管理 major Thanh Haas comes from a family of entrepreneurs 在越南.

“My father was the general manager of a restaurant and a wedding planner before he retired, and my mom had her own businesses,” she said. “我在 tourism industry 在越南, and I’d really like to work in international business. 我想学习不同的文化 and leadership styles, and I love to serve people. 这是我的激情所在.”

At the 十大彩票网投平台, Haas was known by her childhood nickname, “Moon.”

她 was born 在越南, but left to live and work 在德国y at the age of 20. 她 遇见并嫁给了一位德国工程师. Six years ago, his job brought them to Alabama, 他们的儿子和女儿出生在哪里.


“I’d really like to work in international business. 我想学习不同的文化 and leadership styles, and I love to serve people.”


在南, she chose a double major of hospitality and German, but she began her college 通过专注于英语来发展自己的事业.

“I learned English before I learned German, but I never studied academic English before I moved to the United States and came to 南,” she said. “我有很好的背景 在德国. However, German grammar is very difficult and complex. 你必须分析 each subject and verb position carefully, before making a decision to add this or 改变这种情况.”

In Mobile, she managed a Vietnamese restaurant and planned to open a coffee shop near 南校区. Instead, she chose to invest in herself. 她喜欢这种不拘礼节的生活 美国文化和教育. 

“In Vietnam, we were afraid to meet with our professors, but at 南, it’s not like 她说. “One of my professors knew that I had young children and couldn’t take an in-person class during the pandemic. 而不是让我去拿 textbook at his office, he brought it to the parking lot and handed it to me. 那 让我觉得自己很特别.”


  • Hospitality and tourism management encompasses such disparate fields and businesses as ecotourism, theaters and arenas, gaming, and historical, cultural and natural attractions.
  • 学生 have access to more than 40 internships along the Gulf Coast.
  • 南’s Hospitality and Tourism 管理 Advisory Board includes industry leaders from across the Gulf 南 region and beyond.



Dr. Nusair而倒
Department of Hospitality and Tourism 管理
(251) 461-1902


